Management of Accounts Receivable
Accounts receivable management is a “science” in its own right and cannot be left to someone who regards it as a “millstone around the neck”.
When it comes to debt collection, we therefore offer our clients a unique service characterized by competence, experience and efficiency. Thanks to the loyalty of our clients, we are currently handling more than 10,000 files for collection. Our focus is on getting results for our clients, and we take pride in delivering excellent recovery rates.
To ensure the best possible service for our clients, we employ a large number of specialized experts who have been working with our lawyers and the head of our accounts receivable management department, Ms. Brosenbauch, for more than ten years.
Our approach is to always remain in close contact with our clients, thus building a strong relationship of trust and mutual support.
In addition, we understand our clients’ needs and try to take account of all commercial processes involved. This ensures that in debt collection proceedings the correct payment amounts are being claimed and, in the case of contestations, the debtor’s objections can be countered with factually correct arguments.
Our specially designed in-house extranet provides you with the opportunity to view your files online at any time and with the highest degree of data security.